

Testudo Engineering designed and built a series of mobile test systems for a client looking for a simple but effective computer controlled system to test stepper motors.  The resulting test system integrated a customer designed motor driver along with Testudo designed printed circuit boards. These test systems quickly increased the customer's production capacity, but unlike using off-the-shelf solutions, these systems could continue to grow and accommodate future automation.


  • The test carts offered a fast and inexpensive means to increase the test equipment available to the client.

  • The test carts combined both automation and manual test capability. This allowed for the speed of automation while maintaining the flexibility to perform manual tests that had not yet been automated.

  • Custom software was developed to allow the user to strip chart signals using the data acquisition hardware.  The strip chart data can be archived or post processed.




This view of the inside of the UUT interface box shows the custom designed printed circuit boards designed for simplicity and reliability.

Inside of Box

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