

Testudo Engineering is capable of developing custom software to interact with and control a variety of equipment.  Shown below is an example of a test console used by one of Testudo’s customers to test the positional accuracy of stepper motors.  Testudo first upgraded the console hardware, then developed the software needed to automate the test process.  The resulting program, developed with Labview, ran as an executable on the test console, seamlessly interacting with multiple instruments, programmable power supplies, and custom hardware.  In addition, the software had the following features.

test console

Positional Accuracy Test Stand Features

  • The program uses a custom test executive scalable to accept additional test subroutines.  A menu system was used to allow the user to navigate the executive.  Additional test routines could be added to the basic structure and incorporated into the menu system.  This gives the software the ability for future growth without the need for a large scale software development project for each additional iteration.  It also allows for consistency for the user as the software grows, reducing the amount of training and the amount of software control documentation needed.

  • An unlimited number of variations of individual tests could be setup for any given unit under test using individual test setup files.  Each test variation could specify different input parameters, test profiles, analysis methods, and pass/fail limits.

  • The level of access for each user can be controlled, giving the program an increased level of user security.

  • The software went through a formal validation and software control procedure based on the existing customer quality control requirements.  Testudo provided all the required documentation and verification procedure.

  • An adaptive analysis method is used, increase the intelligence of the program.  The program can determine the relationship between data points based on the test profile, and automatically adjust how it performs the analysis.

  • In addition to the built-in analysis methods, the program also accepts user defined analysis methods to be added without the need to alter the source code.  This custom analysis method can be defined by the user using a simple equation format, similar to the type of equation used in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet formula.

  • The program can be setup to work in additional test consoles, even if they have different types of equipment, with simple system level setup parameters.  This eliminates the need to have a program specific to each type of test equipment, resulting in more consistency in the user interfaces, less training, less software control documentation, and reduced cost of software maintenance.


Shown below is the test console in use at the customer's facility.

accuracy test stand


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