
Testudo Engineering specializes in developing creative solutions to manufacturing, research, or test related inefficiencies.  These solutions can vary from low cost equipment developed to alleviate temporary bottlenecks, to the development and implementation of an overall operational plan needed to help a company or department achieve its long term goals.

Testudo provides solutions through application engineering, automation expertise, and machine construction.  We strive to provide personalized products and services by first understanding the individual needs of each client.  This insight, along with the proper knowledge of latest automation hardware and software, allows us to provide solutions that are accurate, user friendly, flexible, reliable, and delivered on time. Some of our core competencies, along with links to examples of our work, are listed below.

Software developmentImproperly designed software can turn a sophisticated piece of automated machinery into a cumbersome dinosaur that no one wants to use. Software development poses a significant challenge to most companies since they may not have the software expertise internally, but outsourcing this work still requires considerable time working with the vendor to achieve the desired results. At Testudo, we specialize in the low volume manufacturing process. This understanding allows us to develop user friendly software with minimum hand holding. See an example here.

Upgrade of existing test systemsTechnology changes quickly. As a result, companies are expected to provide more capability, more throughput, less lead time, all at lower prices. These advances are challenging with even the most advanced equipment, but impossible with obsolete equipment. As the process requirements increase, the instrumenation, actuation, and control software must keep up. With our knowledge of the latest developments in the testing industry, we can bring our customers the necessary upgrades to allow their product and process to succeed. See an example here.

Automate existing manual processesAt Testudo Engineering, we specialize in low volume manufacturing. The economics of low volume manufacturing often dictate a flexible, manual process as opposed to a highly automated one. As product lines mature and quantity increases, it may be more economical to automate the process. We help find the right balance of automation to meet our customer's budget and prodution throughput. See an example here.

Technical writing/test procedure development One of the cornerstones of all process certifications, such as ISO and AS certification, is detailed and complete documentation. Often, the greatest challenge to meeting the documentation requirements is reassigning the most knowledgable personnel away from their production requirements to do the documentation. At Testudo Engineering, we take the time to understand our customer's process and specific documentation needs to help them meet their documentation goals..

Other examples of our work. To view other examples of our work, click here.



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